Nashville, Tennessee (615) 257-0255

Bed Bug Blog

Heat + Knowledge = Dead Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs Be the Solution Not the Problem


Bed Bugs – Be the Solution Not the Problem

Bed bugs can be a serious challenge for anyone who doesn’t understand the nature of this bug.

Most people understand what a cockroach, flea, mosquito or ant is because we’ve grown up with them.

But for bed bugs, “Sleep Tight – Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite” is what people remember, but never knew bed bugs were a real thing.

Bed Bugs on the Rise

During the past couple of decades, bed bugs have crept into our lives with a vengeance.

Because of their excellent hitchhiking abilities, they’ve infiltrated cities, homes and businesses everywhere.

While pest control and other officials were learning about bed bugs, they multiplied faster than we can teach people about them.

Mistakes That Lead to Bigger Problems

We are a quick fix, silver bullet kind of society.

People still reach for chemicals, traps and products that fail time and time again.

Everyone is at risk – It’s not “if” you get bed bugs, it’s when you do and how you deal with them.

And your chances of picking up a bed bug hitchhiker is greater if you work or socialize in areas where many people congregate.

Especially if you live in multi-unit environments.

Understanding how infestations happen and getting to the problem before they grow is the edge that keeps infestations from occurring.

But many people don’t get that.

Infestations are not causes, they are effects.

The effect of not acknowledging them early enough will lead to infestations.

Best Bed Bug Control Method

Choosing the best control method for bed bugs took years to develop and understand.

With recent chemical resistance issues, the best control method for bed bugs is heat.

Here’s why…

Chemicals take a serious amount of preparation for treatment.

Resistance issues can spring up anywhere and you’re never sure if you got them all.

Chemicals don’t kill the eggscausing retreats and layering of toxic chemicals.

People’s lives are turned up-side-down for greater periods of time waiting to get rid of the bugs.

To sum it up, the down-side of chemical treatments:

  • Have Low Success Rates
  • Are Dependent on Client Involvement
  • Have Resistance Issues
  • Does not penetrate egg
  • Clutter Influences Effectiveness
  • Repeated Treatments Required
  • May Spread Bed Bugs
  • Discarding of Some Items
  • Requires Extensive Prep Work
  • Health Issues
  • Limits use of Canines (30 days)
  • Possible Added Costs 

Chemicals May Be Less Expensive But…

It doesn’t mean that it won’t cost you the same or even more in the long run.

People have found that even after a series of chemical treatments, that one bug or egg left behind begins its journey to reproducing more.

After a chemical treatment, you may find a bug or two out crawling about.

The chemical can “flush them out” of where bed bugs hide.

You’ll be thinking that they will crawl over the residual and die within hours.

But what if they are resistant to the chemical used?

You can see that the process of chemicals is uncertain.

Why Heat?

Every living organism has a thermal death temperature.

For bed bugs it’s around 125 degrees for all stages.

We use commercial grade heaters.

These heaters reach temperatures lethal enough to kill bed bugs and their eggs.

And this whole process takes under a day.

Whereas chemical treatments may take repeat treatments over weeks or months.

Furniture and household items are set-up to eliminate any cold spots that the bed bugs can hide in.

Thus, ending up with dead bed bugs and the freedom to sleep without them that same night.

  • High Success Rates
  • Immediate Single Treatment Elimination
  • Non-toxic – Chemical Free
  • No Odors
  • No Resistance
  • Kills all Stages of Bed Bugs Including Eggs
  • Limited Discarding of Items
  • Minimum Time Away
  • Minimum Preparation
  • Safe for People and Pets
  • Sanitizes and Disinfects

Concerns for Your Health and Safety

Concern for the health and safety of people, pets, and the environment is our top priority.

Many people suffer from environmental toxins, asthma, allergies, immune system disorders and more.

We are concerned about our children and seniors that have suppressed immune systems or are chemically sensitive.

Heat not only kills bed bugs and bed bug eggs, but also is effective in sanitizing and removing odors, bacteria and viruses.

This makes the indoor environment a much safer place compared to chemicals.

Knowledgeable, Experienced, Honest, Reliable, And Safety Conscious

NashvilleBedBugs goes all out to exceed your expectations.

We answer any question you have about bed bugs.

We’ll teach you about bed bug risks and help you understand preparation for treatment.

And if needed, we even have equipment for rent for those who can’t afford our professional bed bug services.

We are here to serve you!


Learn more by visiting this link:  6 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bed Bugs


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